A few weeks ago, one of my friends died by suicide at my school.
As much as I am grieving her, I feel the need to do something, anything to show people who are in similar situations as her that it is okay to not be okay, and that you will make it through. That's what my capstone is about but it isn't enough. That will be done next year and I need something sooner.
So I wrote another poem. One that is made to say when life comes at you, it is okay to fall down. It is okay to rely on others because that's why we are here. We are all here in this life, struggling because that's what life is. All we can do is make the choice to ask for help when we need it or lend it out when we don't and there is nothing wrong with asking.
I am working on what is either going to be a comic or an animatic for this. It should be done a bit into my winter break after finals. Hold on until then.
Dealing with stress
Is like having a series of enemies coming at you

One by one
And you keep getting combo hits
You're never done
Because there's always another wave
But this one is coming at you faster
And harder than the last one
And at some point you take a knee
And shout "I'm done"
And maybe the horde will pause,
But nine times out of ten they'll keep coming
And you need to decide whether to get up and fight
Or let them run you down

But you have a choice!
You're stronger now.
You've done this all before
And it's okay
It. Is. Okay. to fall down.
Just get back up.
And if you're struggling,

If the horde is really stomping you flat
Promise me
You will throw your hand out
That you'll call a timeout
Ask for reinforcements.
Because sometimes
You can't battle by yourself
And that's fine
Take your time

You've got plenty.
So don't cut it short.
You'll really wanna see what happens past level 100
RIP Sammi
1998 - Nov 2019