I wont have many more photos to show you for progress on Space Saver. This is only because the project is nearing completion!
Last week I added some textural and procedural dust and scratches to objects in the room that well... would generally have that. Dust was added to the wall moldings, window panes, tops of guitars, back of the 3D printer, and various corners. The scratches were subtly put where the legs of the table go or where the bed goes down as well as on the wall behind the guitars or various spots to show "a thumb tack used to be here but we spackled over the hole". I also quite literally put some holes in the wall in a few spots.
I had some problems getting my computer to render last week. In general my computer didn't want to handle rendering or working in Maya in general after about 3 hours. Though through troubleshooting, I think i found way around it (knock on wood)!
I'm on track to have my first 6 second panning animation done by around this time tomorrow night if everything runs smoothly!